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Running Gear and Gadgets

Running Gear and Gadgets

When you begin a running program, no matter what level you are at, you will find a marketplace heaving with running gear and gadgets.

So what do you need? You could spend a fortune on clothing, technology and accessories but this is not essential to start running. This article suggests just four things that you might want to invest when you start running – as you get into your program, you will know more about the gear and gadgets you need to help you.

The most important thing, and the one that should not be skimped on, is a good pair of running shoes. If you go to a specialist running store, the staff will be able to help you choose a pair of shoes that suits your foot shape and running gait. There is no set rule on when you should change your trainers, but depending upon your running style, look to change them every 300-500 miles.

Most people will find that they find running easier if they have music to listen to. A good MP3 player, with a set of headphones that are comfortable as you run, will allow you to download music of your choice. If you are not a music aficionado, then you might want to listen to podcasts, radio programs or sports commentary.

When it comes to gear and gadgets, there is so much choice available you would do well to visit the review sites before investing. What you buy will depend upon what you want it to do, and what your budget is. A watch with a heart rate monitor is a good idea to track your fitness levels and a watch with GPS will help you monitor the mileage but which brand you buy, and what accessories it offers is personal choice. Being able to download your data will help you monitor your progress and can act as a great motivational tool during your training.

A much more basic piece of running gear, but one essential to runners, is a light-weight, florescent running jacket that will allow you to stay safe on the roads throughout your training.

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