Marathon Podcasts & Apps
Marathon Podcasts & Apps
Being able to ditch the stopwatch and paper-based training schedule is the beauty of the mobile devices available to today’s runner. Scan the running forums or talk to experienced runners and you will discover a growing army of people who use marathon podcasts and apps to help them cover the training necessary to complete the 26.2 miles of a marathon.
Speak to the same people, and you will find that each and everyone has their own particular favourite way of using the devices available. For some people, simply the power of music as they train is all they need. They will check out their schedule before they leave the house and then plug into their tunes and run their distance. Some podcasts provide playlists while others allow you to download your own choice of music.
For other people an app that records the distance you have run, with a breakdown of pace, the profile of the run, fastest mile/kilometre and calories burnt is the best way to train. By recording your run in this way, you can look back and identify periods during your run when you are setting a good rate and times when your pace drops. Information like this can be invaluable as you plan future sessions.

A third option is to listen to podcasts that are nothing to do with running or training. Listening to your favourite radio show, an audio version of a book you want to read or even listening to the day’s top sports match can all help you pass the miles comfortably and quicker than you thought possible.